The Bike Shed

A weekly twitter space where we invite special guests to discuss politics, culture and current events, join the conversion!



The Bike Shed is run by a team of Twitter accounts that arrange to speak to interesting individuals to discuss their views on culture, politics, and current affairs on a Twitter Space, they are usually Fridays nights (Irish/UK time) and are hosted from TheBikeShed.

The Bike Shed was previously known as ParodiesDoPolitics

We’ve had a wide range of guests from a wide range of cultural and political views and causes. We usually talk to guests that are of interest to an Irish/Northern Irish audience.

Previously we’ve talked to the following great guests:

Code of Conduct

Our twitter space should be welcoming inclusive and constructive place. These are the guidelines for anyone speaking on our twitter spaces.

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive experience include:

Using welcoming and inclusive language

Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences

Gracefully accepting constructive criticism

Showing empathy towards other community members

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:

The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances

Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks

Harassment towards others while on the space

Haranguing and shouting over guests, and other speakers. Contributions will be limited to 2 minutes in order to give everyone a fair chance at speaking.

Speakers should avoid making comments that are libellous or otherwise illegal.

Organisers reserve the right to remove anyone that makes libellous remarks, notwithstanding this, organisers accept no responsibility for remarks made on the space.

Any violation of the above will result in speakers being relegated to listeners

Any repeat violations will result in accounts being blocked

The organisers are not responsible for any behaviour by speakers outside the space (tweets for example)

The organisers will not become involving in personal disagreements between any participants

Not everybody is guaranteed the opportunity to speak


If you would like to reach out, DMs are open on twitter, if you are a potential guest that would like to participate or a listener with a request for a quest, drop us a DM.

My current local time is .